
Wonder #24

Since I have been back in So Cal, I've been doing all that I can to take in as much as possible.  I had truly forgotten just how much there is to do here.  So for one of the many recent quests, my friends Nicole and Asha and I took a trip to the Huntington Library and Gardens.

The main reason I wanted to go was the Bukowski exhibit, a collection of poems, letters, books and some memorabilia.  I always knew I liked Buk, but I didn't realize how much I would really like him when I got to know more about him.  I can remember reading some of his work when I was younger, but the depth of his poetry was probably lost on me at the time.  At a younger age, you can appreciate his antagonism and anti-establishment attitudes. When you're 18 and drinking a bottle of Boone's Farm, you can connect with his alcoholic tendencies, because for you they are just tendencies.  Now I have a greater appreciation for his anti-social behavior and for his alcoholism.  He was definitely one deep dude, and he wasn't afraid to share the pain he saw in his life, but he has a was of sharing his thoughts and feelings in a very matter-of-fact way.  And I appreciated this and the opportunity to know him a little better.


Wonder #23

We've had Florida rain here in Orange County, CA.  There have been a few breaks in the systems that are moving in, and one was very well-timed for me yesterday.  I was headed to dog beach in Huntington Beach with two of my dogs.  The rain had stopped a few minutes before I hit the coast, and I was lucky enough to be on PCH as the sun started streaming through the clouds.  With the smog her in So Cal, you can't often see to Catalina or Long Beach - at least not with the clarity we saw it yesterday.  I found myself shocked and awed at the degree to which my eye could see the Long Beach Harbor, the shipping lanes, and even the windows in the building in downtown Long Beach.


Wonder #22

The skies over Illinois are spectacular, so many hours I spent searching for good cloud shots.  There is something about how the wind comes over the Great Lakes, and sweeps the clouds through so quickly.  The absence of smog doesn't hurt either.

As I've begun reviewing my photos again, I realize how peaceful the house in Illinois was.  I was lucky enough to live on a golf course, with no one behind us.  In the warmer seasons, this meant lush green behind us, and skies as far as you can see - which is saying something the the plains states.  In winter, it meant living on the tundra, white everywhere.  The glare from the snow was blinding on the days the sun was able to peek through for a few hours.  But beautiful, none-the-less.


Wonder #21

I recently moved back to Southern California, from Orlando, Florida.  There are many things I already miss about it, even though it's only been three weeks.  One of these "many" is the Spanish Moss.  If you talk to the locals, they'll tell you how much they hate the moss. "It grows rampant.  It kills the trees."  For me, the moss gives the trees such depth.  It's like the pairing of tree and moss have a varied and more beautiful story than a tree that stands alone.

Shortly before I left Orlando, I made a point to explore a city I barely knew - as I only lived there a year before my painful goodbye.  This picture was taken on one of those lonely days, where only tenacity and will power could drag me from my comfort zone to go exploring.  For me, Orlando was never about the amusement parks or the tourists from Jersey and the Midwest or even about the gators and panthers.  When I moved to Orlando, I believed it was for a better life with my family.  When I left Orlando, I left behind my dream for the white picket fence.  It was in leaving that I began to embrace the light and dark inside myself, the pain of the lessons I was learning and the bliss in the possibilities that lie ahead.  One path ending, and many more appearing.

Spanish moss holds that power for me as well, in creating a life, another is destroyed.  Dark, but promising and beautiful at the same time.