
Wonder #24

Since I have been back in So Cal, I've been doing all that I can to take in as much as possible.  I had truly forgotten just how much there is to do here.  So for one of the many recent quests, my friends Nicole and Asha and I took a trip to the Huntington Library and Gardens.

The main reason I wanted to go was the Bukowski exhibit, a collection of poems, letters, books and some memorabilia.  I always knew I liked Buk, but I didn't realize how much I would really like him when I got to know more about him.  I can remember reading some of his work when I was younger, but the depth of his poetry was probably lost on me at the time.  At a younger age, you can appreciate his antagonism and anti-establishment attitudes. When you're 18 and drinking a bottle of Boone's Farm, you can connect with his alcoholic tendencies, because for you they are just tendencies.  Now I have a greater appreciation for his anti-social behavior and for his alcoholism.  He was definitely one deep dude, and he wasn't afraid to share the pain he saw in his life, but he has a was of sharing his thoughts and feelings in a very matter-of-fact way.  And I appreciated this and the opportunity to know him a little better.

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