
Wonder #13

Good morning drizzle!  I wasn't ecstatic when I saw that we'd have another day of rain today.  But I was excited to see that I can still make lemonade from lemons.  Just look at these tiny little leaves and buds trying to grow!  Bellissimo.


Wonder #12

Lately I've taken to stopping at one of the forest preserves nearby to see what other signs of spring I can find.  I found this field of dandelions, and some of the trees are greening.  Spring isn't yet at full bloom, but I think these dandelions are definitely a sign that the rain is working it's magic.  Better late than never!


Wonder #11

And the tulips have opened!  It's feeling more and more like spring every day.


Wonder #10

Yesterday was our first anniversary.  It's hard to believe that it was a year ago that we were on Maui.  Such a long time since our last vacation!  Travel is such a big part of our lives that three months seems long, let alone a year.

We spent the day at home, just us and the dogs.  It rained quite a bit until mid afternoon, but we did get a chance to be outside for a bit.  Spring is so incredible here.  The weather changes so rapidly, and it's beautiful.  The top photo is the sky above our house yesterday afternoon, in between storms.


Wonder #9

After such a long winter this year, I find myself incredibly focused on Spring.  I've been out with the camera daily now for the past week or so.  I tried a new forest preserve on Saturday, Half Day Preserve.  Great Des Plaines River shots, and a few small lakes.  This shot is of one of the lakes that were swollen from some of the rain we've had.  I cropped this for a nice panorama, and I just love the greys in the water and sky.



Wonder #8

Ah Thailand...  So many incredible spots there.  On the last trip to Koh Samui, in October of 2002, we took the tour of An Thong Marine Park.  I'm not sure why we hadn't done it before, because it was an incredible trip.  We took a boat out to the marine park and stopped at the island above.  What you're looking at is the interior of the island.  If you've seen the movie, The Beach, this is a similar in-island bay.  There are some underwater caves that feed the bay, so it rises and falls with tide, too.  Ah Thailand...



Wonder #7

OK, just one more... here's the giant A that I found at Old School.  It was just waiting for me. 

Wonder #6

This is Independence Grove, at the Dog Park.  I chose to spend my Earth Day checking out the parks near me, along the Des Plaines River.  Honestly, I found some great spots.  I just loved the Dog Park most of all.  My camera ran out of steam, and this was the last shot I got before I had to head out.  What a beautiful Earth Day!


Wonder #5

OK, I've been away for a few days... the shame!  So I decide one quick post today was absolutely necessary.  This shot is from our Maui trip, on the Road to Hana.  I thought this was a beaut in honor of Earth Day today.  And since it's Earth Day, what are we doing in front of a computer?  Get out there and celebrate what Mother Nature has to offer!



Wonder #4

I am just loving spring's belated arrival!  These are just a couple shots I took this afternoon.  First flowers of the season!!!!  And the first nest I've found, too!


Wonder #3

This morning I seems to be getting away from me.  Lots to do!  So I decided today's post will have to be one of my shorter ones.  Short post = one of my favorite wonders.

This shot was taken in 2004 off Bonaire, in the Netherlands Antilles.  We were diving a wreck called the Helma Hooker.  Funny story - the 'Hooker' was a drug smuggling ship.  When the ship was caught, they decided it would be best to burn the marijuana cargo.  Too funny!  I bet there was quite an audience for the bonfire - all downwind!



Wonder #2

This shot was taken in Maui in April 2008.  Patrick and I were joined by 50 or so of our closest friends for our wedding-moon.  A couple days before the wedding, I took a drive up the coast to take some shots of the northern part of the island.  Most people take the southern or eastern route from Lahaina because it takes you toward Hana.  Although Hana was beautiful - and you'll likely see some shots from our day trip there later on - I thought the northwestern coast was much more beautiful.  I love how the waves were a touch more violent than we'd seen elsewhere on the island... made for some really great shots.

This shot was taken early in my trek that day, and again I find that there are flaws. Ideally it would have been reversed, and I didn't quite catch the depth of the color of the ocean.  I am not a trained photographer, so I'm OK with that.  It's one of those shots that reminds me - sometimes you have to do what you can and move on.  For me that thought brings me some peace.

This morning I definitely needed a post about peace.  Waking up this morning, I realized I still have some anxiety about a past life (and no - I'm not waxing Buddhist). It's funny how things continue to haunt you after you've left them behind.  Why is that?

Wonder #1

I chose to use this as my first wonder because of what this photo means to me.  It was taken on Koh Samui in Thailand in 2002, my third trip there in 12 months.  I know we were tooling around on the scooters that day, but I have no idea where exactly on the island this was.

Thailand will always be my favorite place in the world because that's where I really fell in love with my husband, and with travel.  My husband - for his peaceful nature, and for the wild streak that keeps me guessing.  Travel - for the beauty that exists in the world, and to see the way people react to it.

Some of my best shots were taken in Thailand, not that this is one of them.  It's off-center, it's grainy, and I absolutely adore it.  Despite the imperfections, it always makes me feel so hopeful and positive and peaceful.  

There are so many beautiful places in the world, but when I think of the place I want to go back to - this is it.  We didn't run down this dock and jump into the Gulf of Thailand then.  But when we go back to Koh Samui, what fun we'll have trying to find this rickety pier somewhere between Chaweng Beach and Big Buddha.
