
Wonder #2

This shot was taken in Maui in April 2008.  Patrick and I were joined by 50 or so of our closest friends for our wedding-moon.  A couple days before the wedding, I took a drive up the coast to take some shots of the northern part of the island.  Most people take the southern or eastern route from Lahaina because it takes you toward Hana.  Although Hana was beautiful - and you'll likely see some shots from our day trip there later on - I thought the northwestern coast was much more beautiful.  I love how the waves were a touch more violent than we'd seen elsewhere on the island... made for some really great shots.

This shot was taken early in my trek that day, and again I find that there are flaws. Ideally it would have been reversed, and I didn't quite catch the depth of the color of the ocean.  I am not a trained photographer, so I'm OK with that.  It's one of those shots that reminds me - sometimes you have to do what you can and move on.  For me that thought brings me some peace.

This morning I definitely needed a post about peace.  Waking up this morning, I realized I still have some anxiety about a past life (and no - I'm not waxing Buddhist). It's funny how things continue to haunt you after you've left them behind.  Why is that?

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