
Wonder #15

It's unbelievable what you can find wandering around a volcanic island, especially when roads were only introduced there within the last 150 years.  The question you have to ask yourself?  How do you get to the ocean from atop a cliff without scaling the lava rock?  Easy, you painfully carve steps out of the lava.

These jungle stairs lead to the Wai'anapanapa (glistening waters) Caves at the state park of the same name, on Maui. Here's the Legend of the caves...

Once upon a time a Hawaiian princess named Popoalaea fled from her cruel husband, Chief Ka'akae.  She hid on a ledge just inside the underwater entrance to this cave.  A faithful serving maid sat across from her fanning the princess with a feather Kahili symbol of royalty.  Noticing the reflection of the Kahili in the water, Chief Kakae discovered Popoalaea's hiding place and killed her.  At certain times of the year, tiny red shrimp appear in the pool, turning the water red.  Some say it is a reminder of the blood of the slain princess. 

In case you want to see the shrimp, you need to visit in spring.


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