
Wonder #18

I suppose I'll have to post double time, since I haven't had an update in two weeks. The good news?  Scratch that - great news?  I finally got my compost pile up and running! After several trips to local nurseries, one trip to a local farm, and about five hours researching composters online - the break down has finally begun!  Here's my new baby...

In my research, which of course I had a ton of fun with, I learned a lot more about marketing than I did science.  Here's what I found out...  You can find a slew of compost tumblers and black box tumblers online.  Everyone from HGTV to Planet Natural to Sam's Club sells them.  Even Oprah had an episode on worm composting recently.  Literally EVERYONE is willing to tell you how to compost, especially if you are planning on using the compost starter they are marketing, which of course makes it ridiculously easy to start and does the extra bonus of breaking down your compost in 14 or 21 days.  The problem I had?  Four basic walls of recycled plastic and a locking lid cost $200+.  It just didn't seem right, so I held off.  Then I found a super inexpensive one at Sam's Club last weekend - $40 bucks later and it was mine.  Which of course is my wonder...  How did I find one for 20% of the average cost?  

Like I said, I learned more about marketing than I did about science!  Ta!

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