
Wonder #19

As I said before, I am overly excited about the arrival of spring this year.  The trees, the flowers, the joy of my compost pile, and the 80 or 90 degree temperature...  OK, so it's feeling like summer already, but regardless - I have to add one more thing to that list.  The robin's nest in my back yard!  Check out my new little buddy....

What a melon on this one, right?  There are three babies in all, and they are growing up so fast!  I found the nest just two days before this picture.  In such a short time their down has doubled, and all three have the "pigtails" (look to the back of the head on this one).  

I'll be keeping an eye on the nest daily.  My dogs already know they are there, so when it's time to leave the nest, I'm sure Max and Napoleon will be waiting.

Hope your day brings lots of wonders!  Ta! 

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