
Wonder #17

I decided to hunt down a new preserve in the area.  In the last week, everything is in bloom, and I don't have too many forest shots yet.  So I found Ryerson Conservation Area in Highwood.  The hike started out well (mostly because I didn't yet feel like it was a hike).  I got a few good forest interior shots - like the overdone birch tree forest posters, but good none-the-less.  

There were quite a few trails, leading off in different directions, so I was lucky to find a good one to start, but it was really rather short.  I now have a new definition of what a "good" trail is - dry and sandy or paved.  (Wait for it...)  

So after doubling back on my good but short trail, I decided to check out the log cabins I'd seen when driving in.  Cute, but other than the weird wiccan Council Ring, I got better macro shots of the cabin.

And what should I see but a barely there trail, leading to a boardwalk system not too far off.  Thinking this would be better than the witch ring, I took off toward the boardwalk system.  Couple of cool shots later, I pass the boardwalk... and suddenly realize that there's a reason they put a boardwalk in a conservation area.  Because it's muddy, no let's call it downright wet.  In fact, let's just call it swamp, because that's what it really is - a swamp on the edge of the Des Plaines River.

Being the optimist that I am, I decided that it can't be this bad the whole way through, so I decide to plug on.  Twenty minutes of leaping gracefully over mud puddles, from one side of the (quickly-disappearing) trail to the other...  I suddenly find myself unbelievably mired in swamp - no nice pile of leaves anywhere around for me to jump to.  As I stand there, slowly panicking about the new shoes I am sure to have ruined, and dropping the camera that literally keeps me sane, I realize that the swamp is quickly forcing it's way into the sides my cute Pumas.  Alas, I had lost the battle!

So what do you do when you realize that:
- You were nuts to wear cute shoes into a preserve you'd never been in,
- You should have turned back at the small puddles in the middle of the sun at the start of the trail,
- The witchy ring was probably just a childrens' nature classroom,
- The longer you wait, the more swamp makes it into your Pumas,
- and that you're really glad no one is hear to witness you squeal at the toad that just jumped in front of you?

Well, if you are me, you say, "What the hell?"  and start leaping straight through the swamp, mud-in-the-Pumas and all!  Because there is nothing so wonderous as being able to laugh at yourself...

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