
Wonder #16

Lately I have been rather obsessive about the arrival of spring.  Although, when you live with six month long winters, you tend to get like that.  So over the weekend, I decided to take a trip over to Lake Bluff Park, a small local beach park right on Lake Michigan.  I took quite a few shots of the coast and the water.  Maybe I'll post a couple later.  For now, I have to tell the story of my cute little ladybug friend, above.

As you walk onto the beach at Lake Bluff, you are undeniably reminded of an ocean beach.  If you've ever seen Lake Michigan, you know that all you see on the horizon is horizon... nothing is visible on the other side.  I grew up in southern California, and I miss nothing more than the Pacific Ocean, so Lake Michigan is always a welcome site. There are short little jetties dotted along the coast with boulders at the end.  Believe it or not, it gets insanely windy on Michigan, so I'm assuming they are protecting the teeny-tiny coast.

I decided that the closest jetty would be a great spot to get a few shots (and it turns out it was - yahoo!).  But as I was climbing around on the rocks and taking pictures, I realized I had lady bugs on my hands and camera.  After a quick scream - only because I can be as skittish as a reclusive cat, for some reason - I remembered that lady bug landings are good luck.  Plus I just love them, so I carefully moved this one from the top of the lens to a nice spot in front of it.  

Turns out that they are good luck, because I got some great shots Saturday, ending with the daffodils below.  That was all I could have asked for (and more than I anticipated since spring was barely upon us), so I'll look at it as a win.


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